In a thrust roller bearing test, it was discovered that Nanol reduces friction and prevents the formation of white etching cracks compared to the reference.
Summary of test results
-The laboratory tests showed that the Nanol additive acts independently of other additives and provides good stand alone wear protection and friction reduction
– Examination of engine parts showed that the additive regenerated and repaired surfaces which showed signs of wear and corrosion
Comparison to reference oil
– When using reference oil, formation of WEAs1 (white etching areas) appeared
-In contrast, no WEAs appeared when using the Nanol additive, indicating that it prevents the formation of WEAs under the used test conditions
– No embrittlement and no corrosion
– No indication of lubricant degradation.
Swedish-Finnish innovator: Self-regenerating oil, cuts fuel use,extends component lifetimes for sustainable global transport
Designed by NVD Agency